
Physical test

A range of physical applications and tesing, such as tensile, burst strength, tear force, abrasion & pilling, flammability...

Stretch & Recovery

Stretch and recovery testing is used to determine the stretch, comfort and fit of a fabric, as well as understanding how well the fabric recovers.

Physical test

Color solution

How to Improve Textile Color Matching and Color Formulation


This test is designed to evaluate the colorfastness properties of textiles that are intended to be laundered frequently. The fabric color loss, bleeding, and surface changes resulting from the detergent and abrasion are simulated by a 45 minutes Gyrowash. Each...

Color fastness

Colour fastness tests normally involve subjecting the sample material to controlled conditions such as heat or light and assessing the level of colour change or dye change that has occurred. There are 3 main types of test: light fastness testing...

Performance Test