
Garment and Printed Fabric Durability Tester

Dynawash is used to predict the behaviour of garments and printed fabric during domestic
washing. This performs consistent test parameters to assess the level of colour fastness, dimensional change and print durability during washing.

For laboratories performing a high volume of repeated wash tests, DynaWash will provide a lifetime of laundering in a fraction of the time compared to traditional washing methods.

Fifteen minutes of testing in the DynaWash is approximately equivalent to five domestic washes, removing the need for repeated wash and dry tests. This results in a reduction in water and energy consumption, labour and laboratory space with an increased capacity for testing.

Multiple tests

A number of tests can be performed in the DynaWash, including print durability, pleat retention, cockling, flock retention, crinkling, differential shrinkage and security of attachments, plus many others.

Comparison tests between DynaWash and Wascator have demonstrated that approximately 15 minutes in the DynaWash is equivalent to 5 cycles in the Wascator. Based on these investigations, switching to the DynaWash will give you the following savings in water and energy consumption, CO2 emissions and time:

Water consumption:  Difference -89%

5 x Wascator 440L ~ 1 x DynaWash 45L

Run time:   Difference -90%

5 x Wascator 150mins ~ 1 x DynaWash 15mins

Energy consumption:   Difference -84%

5 x Wascator 4.5KW ~ 1 x DynaWash 0.7KW

CO2 emission*:   Difference -84%

5 x Wascator 4.5KW ~ 1 x DynaWash 0.7KW

Feature & Advantage

A Lifetime of laundering

Touchscreen user interface

Multiple tests


Bath Volume Fabric/Garment Capacity Maximum Temperature Impeller Speed
litres kilos Centigrade rpm
40 2 60ºC 560

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