
Universal Tensile Strength Tester

Tensile testing is one of the most widely used physical tests for textiles and other materials. By measuring the force required to elongate a specimen to breaking point, the textile properties can be determined that will allow designers and quality managers to predict how fibres, yarns and fabrics will behave in their intended end-use.

The strength of a material under stretching in one direction / Thử cường lực của vật liệu khi được kéo căng về một hướng

Designed for accuracy, efficiency and ease of use / Được thiết kế với độ chính xác cao, sử dụng dễ dàng và hiệu quả

Pre-loaded 700+ test methods and easy to upgrades* for TestWise software with latest revision / Tích hợp hơn 700 phương pháp thử và dễ dàng nâng cấp lên phiên bản mới nhất của Testwise

Reliable & consistent results: Automated test set-up / Kết quả tin cậy & đồng nhất nhờ việc cài đặt tự động giúp kiểm soát thiết bị tốt

Feature & Advantage

Accuracy, efficiency and ease of use

Cost efficience: pre-loaded 700+ test methods and easy to upgrades* for TestWise software with latest revision


Faster testing: Easy to use - quick-change load cells and jaw face


Measuring Principle: Constant Rate of Extension (CRE)
Capacity (Tension & Compression): 5000 N, 5kN, 500kgf and 1100lbf 10000 N, 10kN, 1000kgf and 2200lbf
Load Cells: Up to 3 load cells can be configured from a choice of five (5):
5000 N
1000 N or 500 N       (not 1000N and 500N)
100 N or 200 N         (not 200N and 100N)
Load Cells available:
10000 N, 5000 N, 1000 N, 500 N, 200, 100 N
Test / Return / Jog Speed: 1 – 2000mm/min
Accuracy of Load Cells Class: 0.5 (±0.5%) from 2 – 100% of load cell capacity
Speed Accuracy: ± 0.005%
Maximum Stroke: 560 mm – Maximum usable extension with T27 jaws fitted 700 mm – Maximum usable extension with T37 jaws fitted
Total Vertical Stroke: 700 mm – Maximum movement of the head between limit switches when no jaws are fitted 980 mm – Maximum movement of the head between limit switches when no jaws are fitted
Positional Accuracy: ± 0.00125mm
Calibration: Load Cells: ISO 7500-1 (UKAS accredited) & ASTM E4
Instrument: ISO 7500-1 & ASTM D76
Safety: CE marked (complies with Machinery, Low Voltage & EMC Directives)

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